1. Rights and responsibilities of product sellers

  • Provide the correct product that the customer has chosen, and be responsible for fully consulting on features, usage, price... and other customer requirements.
  • Has the right to request customers to provide complete information about: needs, conditions of use, transportation conditions; warranty conditions; return products, take care of customers later.
  • Instruct customers on how to use and preserve the product after purchase and throughout the product use process.
  • There is a product return policy and customer care after customers purchase products on the website shinbylin.com
  • Committed to selling quality products with clear origins.

2. Rights and responsibilities of product buyers

  • Provide full information about needs, conditions of use, and transportation conditions; return conditions; Customer care later... and other conditions (if any) and necessary requirements for the seller to properly and accurately advise on the most suitable products for customers.
  • Let's work together on all issues agreed upon by both parties, in the spirit of cooperation and voluntariness.
  • Provide complete information such as: Name, Address, Phone number when the buyer needs the seller to transport the goods to the place.
  • Pay the seller in full according to the agreement between the two parties in buying/selling the product.

3. Implementation process:

  • Step 1: Customers access the website shinbylin.com to view products or contact directly to order.
  • Step 2: The seller advises and selects the exact type of goods the buyer requires.
  • Step 3: Payment according to agreement and listed price
  • Step 4: Conduct door-to-door delivery in case customers request. We encourage customers to contact us via facebook.com/shinbylin.auth to receive the most accurate advice on suitable products.
  • Step 5: Complete the purchase.
  • Step 6: The seller is responsible for warranty and customer care in accordance with committed policies. Return the product if the product the customer receives is not the same as the product we sell.